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更多有關:全球專售! 倫敦 Dunhill 手調煙草不完全目錄……


倫敦 Dunhill 店面據稱,在英國倫敦 JamesJermyn 胡同(舊址就在拐角的 St. Duke),Dunhill 老店夾層二樓出售的煙斗,價格是全球最高的﹔而有一期『Pipe Smoke』雜志,就曾詳盡地刊登了煙斗客到倫敦『朝聖』的攻略,其中,固然要用為數不少的文字,介紹倫敦 Dunhill 店。然而,這個版本的說法是:那里的煙斗選擇較多,價格亦比美國約低三分之一,還有退稅優惠(即顧客若非歐盟公民,就不用繳增值稅(V.A.T.)。這個政策造成了歐洲人樂于跑去光顧美國人,美國人熱衷于光顧歐洲人,或者所在地非在本州的網店…… 無他,都為了避稅)。

不過,比 Dunhill 煙斗更值得留意的,當然是那兒的手調煙草(Hand-Blended Tobacco Mixtures)。選擇多多,令人眼花繚亂,按罐裝或按磅出售。另外,有興趣的玩家,還可按自己的配方,照單抓藥,現調現買,罐子標記『My Mixture』,高度個性化,非常過癮。而且,這些調配又是全球專售的,也就是說,出售 Dunhill 手調煙草的,僅此一家,絕無分店,連美國、香港(兩地都有 Davidoff 專門店)等地也不例外,讓人又愛又恨。這也許又從一個側面,體現了英國人特別(古怪)的經營哲學,Dunhill 要是美國品牌的話,手調煙草可能早就像 Captain Black 那樣唾手可得了。

嘗了其中四款(據不完全統計,Dunhill 手調煙草共有 39 款之多!):以 Dunhill 創始人命名,賣點是調配添加了 Havana 雪茄芯的『Mr. Alfred's Own』, BB 屁股『Baby's Bottom』,『White Spot』(煙嘴上的招牌小白點,Dunhill 煙斗的不二印記,典故是當初為了方便工匠迅速找到煙嘴朝上的一面!),還有 Latakia 含量高達 52 %,火花四起,非骨灰級玩家勿近的『Mixture # 73』,皆發覺風味絕倫,絲毫也不比大量制產的『Early Morning Pipe』、『Nightcap』等遜色,甚至有過之而無不及,大概是難覓作祟吧。50 克罐裝的價錢是 9.60 英鎊,折合人民幣約 115 元。雖比行貨款式的 Dunhill 煙草足足貴了一個 Double,但始終還覺得物有所值,意猶未盡。有機會親身到倫敦,或者彼邦有朋友回國的話,就千萬不要錯過了。

題外話:據說店鋪躲在一條毫不起眼的后街中,一樓賣服飾、皮具,整間店像 Boutique 多過像 Tobacconist……



Dunhill Brochure

以下參考自 pipes.org 的文章,并根據店面提供的小冊子,補全了部分說明,并在其原來 31 種的基礎上,增加了 8 種,共計 39 種調配(增加的內容用斜體表示,以資區別)。不過,這仍未是完整的列舉,由此可知其選擇之多!另:括號內是調配原來的名稱。




Leslie Ng: Mr. Alfred's Own, White Spot, Baby's Bottom Dunhill 的三種傳奇調配,小弟試過,風味非常棒!)


Dunhill Mixture #36080 'Mr. Alfred's Own'

One of the original Dunhill English Mixtures: Mild to medium, consisting of Latakia, Cavendish, Virginias, Oriental Leaf and HAVANA FILLER! leaf for zest.

(One of the original "English" mixtures, but it remains very popular. A mellow medium blend of Latakia, Cavendish, Virginias and Oriental Leaf, with added Havana filler leaf to give it 'zest')


      Dunhill Mixture 'White Spot'

A fairly Full bodied smoke that has 35% Latakia, with added Red Virginia and Turkish. A VERY ENGLISH blend! (Ed. comment: I believe this is a resurrection of an older Dunhill blend, also named "White Spot" )


      Dunhill Mixture 'Baby's Bottom'

A smooth, medium strength mixture which consists of Red Virginias, Bronze and Lemon Virginias, some Flake and a good helping of Latakia. (Ed. comment: The original "Baby's Bottom" was produced by a company named "Savoury's, Ltd. There were 5 or so different Baby's Bottom blends back in the 1950's and 1960's)

(A fairly full-bodied smoke that has 35% Latakia, Red Virginia and Turkish --- a very English mixture.)


Dunhill Mixture 'Elite'

A mild to medium mixture containing: Perique and 9 other different tobacco leaves including: Cavendish, Virginias, and Flakes. Semi-aromatic blend flavoured with plum and other mixed fruit.

(A mild to medium mixture which contains 'spicy' Perique. A rich sophisticated blend with nine different tobacco leaves including Cavendish, Virginias and Flakes. A semi- aromatic blend flavored with plum and mixed fruit.)


      Dunhill Mixture 'Duke Street'

A traditional English mixture consisting of broad cut Lemon Virginia, Latakia, Cavendish, and Oriental; with Mr. Alfred's Own and 2 dark Flakes added. Slow burning and between mild and medium in strength. (Ed. comment: I like it!!!! 8=)

(A popular combination of traditional 'English' mixture, broad cut Lemon Virginia, Latakia, Cavendish and Oriental mixture. This mix also incorporates 'Alfred's Own' and two dark flakes which have been rubbed out. Slow burning and just on the mild side of medium.)


      Dunhill Mixture 'Royale'

A rich combination of "Blenders Own", "October 89", and "New World" (see below for descriptions) Spanning from mild to medium strength.


      Dunhill Mixture 'Blenders Own'

A mild to medium strength semi-aromatic mixture consisting of: rich Flake, Burley, Virginias and Perique. Some Latakia is added along with vanilla essence.

(Highly regarded, this blend is semi-aromatic and mild to medium in strength, with rich Flake and Burley, Virginias and Perique. Some Latakia is added before it is finally flavoured with vanilla essence. It is designer made for the customer who prefers character rather than an aromatic blend.)


      Dunhill Mixture 'October 89'

Using Dunhill 620 as a base, broad cut Lemon Virginia, chopped flake, Red Virginia, Cavendish, and Oriental leaf is added to produce a mild, slow burning, and cool mixture. Honey and apricot essence is added along with a fruit essence.

(Our best selling mix with a sweet aromatic mixture, it is slow burning and cool- ideal for breaking in a new pipe. It incorporates '620' mixture and broad cut Lemon Virginia, chopped Flake and Red Virginia, in addition to rich Cavendish and Oriental Leaf. Flavored with honey and apricot essence and a dash of mixed fruit, it is mild in strength.)


      Dunhill Mixture 'Bowled Out'

A natural, sweet smelling mixture which consists of rubbed Virginia, Turkish, and a small amount of Perique. Medium strength, non-aromatic.

(A natural sweet smelling mixture which consists of rubbed Virginia and Turkish, with a small amount of Perique to give it spice. It is medium in strength and not considered aromatic. It is ideal after a game of cricket)


Dunhill Mixture '221B Baker Street'

A mild to medium strength mixture with a quizzical twist to it that only the Formidable Sherlock Holmes could fathom out. 'Elementary'!


      Dunhill Mixture 'New World'

A rich, mild to medium blend consisting of Burley, Virginias, Cavendish, and Latakia. Two dark flakes are added to complete this satisfying blend. Finally, it is flavoured with maple essence. (Ed. note: WHY!?! )

(A rich mild to medium blend, predominately Burley Leaf with Virginias, some Cavendish and Latakia. Two dark flakes are then added to complete this satisfying blend, with a finial flavouring of maple essence.)


      Dunhill Mixture #1167 'Cuba'

A medium strength, spicy blend consisting of mixed Virginias, Cavendish, Oriental Leaf and added Havana Filler leaf and Perique. This blend contains NO Latakia.

(A spicy flavoured blend of medium strength, consisting of mixed Virginias, Cavendish and Oriental Leaf with added Havana Filler leaf and Perique. There is no Latakia in this blend.)


      Dunhill 'Alan Ladd's Mixture'

Alan Ladd the Famous American film star created this his own mixture in the 1940's. Re- introduced Sept. 2000, with great success, is now in our Hand-Blended Collection. It's a mixture of No. 10 with Royal Yacht and his own secret ingredient. Smoking this, one can feel a bit of a Cowboy.


      Dunhill 'Millennium Mixture'

It is a mellow mixture of Lemon and Bronze Virginias. A touch of Turkish Leaf with added ready rubbed Virginia to enhance this cool slow burning blend--- no Latakia in this mix.


      Dunhill 'Marc's Mixture'

As a celebration of the new Millennium I have created my very own mixture which pleases my palate and I hope most discerning pipe smokers. It's a mixture of Lemon and Bronze Virginias, a sprinkling of Oriental Leaf and Latakia with a dash of Rubbed flake. A bowl of this is a treat with a glass of Dunhill Whiskey --- medium in strength.


      Dunhill Mixture 'Shell'

A mixture of quality Brazilian and Milawi tobaccos and orange and mahogany Virginias, blended with a matured mid brown ready rubbed blend. The addition of bright and brown small aromatic flakes, provided a cool slow burning smoke. Mild in strength and not considered to be aromatic, it gives a fully satisfying taste and delivery.


      Dunhill Mixture ''48 Jermyn Street'

Introduced for the refurbishment of our shop in 1997. This is a smooth tasty rubbed blend containing Virginias and Kentucky fired Burley leaves, with long stranded Lemon Virginia Leaf and rich expensive Louisiana Fermented Perique. It is lightly flavoured, but not considered to be aromatic. Mild in strength, It is a slow burning cool mixture.


      Dunhill Mixture ' Prince of Wales'

The mixture belonged to the Duke of Windsor when he was the Prince of Wales. A princely mixture of orange and bronze Virginias, blended with natural rubbed out bright flake and dark Cavendish pressed tobaccos. This blend is finally topped with cool aromatic black tobaccos. The overall blend provides a uniquely interesting medium strength blend with a mild aromatic flavour.


      Dunhill Mixture 'Rum Truffle'

Mild to medium in strength this soft and rich luxurious blend, consists of whole chopped cigar leaf, Burley, Virginias, Flake and Oriental Leaf. This mixture also incorporates 'Royal Yacht'. Flavoured with rum essence and a dash of chocolate essence.


Dunhill 'Xmas Mixture' (Available during the festive season --- Nov to Jan only)

A rather complicated mixture of various tobaccos with added Whiskey and Rum for a seasonal smoke.




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